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The trend that goes on any clothes or apparel, then people start wearing dresses or clothes according to that trend, is called fashion. Not only clothes but every trading thing is included under fashion.

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What comes in fashion designers?

What happens in fashion design? We can call it fashion designing, in which we create new styles using a variety of fabrics, colors and trends. The art of fashion designing is not limited to designing clothes only, but it also includes handbags, footwear, jeweler, etc.

What are fashion and examples?

Fashion refers to a popular trend or style, especially when it comes to clothing. Real-life examples: Supermodels display designer clothes of the latest fashion on the catwalk. Fashion style magazines discuss the most popular clothing styles.

Fashion and fashion trends primarily refer to anything that is popular in a culture at any given time. It becomes inclusive of areas like the style of dress, food, literature, art, architecture, fashion trends and many other popular factors.

What is the basic example of fashion style?

However, fashion is the most popular style or trendy of something, especially clothing. Fashion is also the overall convention of decorum that conforms to society or an attitude or manner, fashion can also mean making something, fashion has many other senses as a noun and a verb.

Fashion refers to a popular trend or style, especially when it comes to clothing.

Real-life examples: Supermodels display designer clothes of the latest fashion on the catwalk. Fashion magazines talk and discuss the most popular clothing styles. We often look back on popular fashions of clothing, dance, and music from the past with nostalgia (or embarrassment).

Used in a sentence: The pop singer used to wear only clothes that were of the latest fashion.

Real-life instance: The word groovy was once a most popular word that meant something was great or excellent. Today, groovy has largely gone out of style. If you use it, you may be considered out of touch with popular slang.

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