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Poker Write for Us

Wrіtе fоr Uѕ Poker

Poker Write for Us : Amazing news – for the first time, is open for poker and casino guest post contributions.

Businessknowledgetoday is one of the leading poker blogs in the gambling industry, which reaches tens of thousands of users and covers everything there is to know about various poker games, strategies, tips, and even casinos.

All you need to do is write for us and submit your guest post showing your experience or interesting opinion on gambling, casino, or poker subject.

If you have a passion for this game, you will surely know what to write. Here are a couple of topic ideas that could be included on our site:

  1. Poker strategy articles
  2. Poker tips and advice
  3. How to guides
  4. Casino tips and tricks
  5. Breakdown of casino games
  6. Gambling industry news
  7. Other interesting topics

These are just a few examples to get you going in the right direction. If your guest post is related to poker or casino games, it has a high chance of being accepted.


However, we reserve the right to deny your submission if we do not see it fit for our site without any explanation so make sure to check out our editorial guidelines below, before submitting your post.

In 2002, Chris Moneymaker (yes, that’s his real name) was an accountant and amateur poker player in Tennessee. He played online quite a bit, and occasionally in casinos, but mostly ended up in debt. By the end of May 2003, he had won the World Series of Poker — and the $2.5 million main prize. Moneymaker beat the best players in the world, and amazingly, it was the first live tournament he had ever been in. And it all started with an online game that had a $39 entrance fee.

After that, as you can imagine, the popularity of Texas Hold’Em poker skyrocketed. All of a sudden men and women around the world were trying to figure out how to play the game that was at one time reserved for outlaws and back-alley hucksters. Weekly or monthly house games popped up as folks honed their poker skills in hopes of hitting it big someday.

The tide of amateur players hoping for a big payday ebbed a bit after 2007 or so, but the game of poker retained a newfound respect. Groups of friends and coworkers realized that a casual night of cards could be both fun and competitive, and Texas Hold’Em became the de facto game of choice for guys’ nights and bachelor parties.

When guys who haven’t played much poker drop in on our group these days, they often start out like I did — a little nervous and a little lost. Besides just losing money, these newbies often interrupt the flow of the game, and have to be coached along. That’s okay by us, but it’s definitely more fun for everyone involved when each player has a good understanding of the game and is able to compete.

If you find yourself in the position of playing your first games of Texas Hold’Em, you’re probably not looking to win big and move on to the World Series of Poker. You just want to be able to hold your own and not look like a total newb. The information below will help you get there and be able to confidently play with your buddies, and even win a few hands. We’ll cover basic terms, table etiquette, and general strategic tips to keep in mind. Let’s dig in!

Note: Although there are many varieties of poker, this article focuses just on Texas Hold’Em, as it’s far and away the most popular version these days.

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1. Know the Rules of the Games

Honestly, the game play itself isn’t all that complicated compared to betting strategies, knowing your table position, etc. (more on those later). That said, you should know how Texas Hold’Em works before you get yourself into a game. Rather than doing so at length here, I encourage you to check out this good intro on the rules and game play. You can also watch this short video which visually walks you through a hand:


2. Get Familiar With the Hand Rankings

One of the things new players struggle with the most is knowing which hand of cards wins. Between pairs and straights and flushes, it can get a little confusing. Reference the chart below to familiarize yourself with how the hands rank. In many cases, a pair or two pairs will take the pot. In my house games, I’m not sure we’ve ever seen better than a full house; the hands above that are extremely rare.

3. Know the Vocabulary

Even when engaged in a casual game, it’s important to know the vocabulary of poker. Below is a short glossary of terms that I’ve found to be most common when playing:

Blinds: A forced bet, generally put in by the two players to the left of the dealer, before any cards are dealt. The “small blind,” to the instant left of the dealer, is half the minimum betting amount. The “big blind,” two to the left of the dealer, is the full amount of the least bet. For instance, if your game has a lowest bet of $10, the small blind is $5 and the big blind is $10.

Call: Making a bet equal to the last bet or raise. It’s a matching bet. Say the fella just before you raises to $20, you’d say “I call,” and throw in a $20 chip.

Check: To not bet. It basically means you’re “checking” to see what other players are doing. You can only check if no bets have been made. If a bet has been made, you must either call or raise.

Community Cards: This isn’t a term that’s used often, but this is what the five cards on the table are called that are “available” for each player’s hand. These five cards come in three actions: the flop, the turn, and the river.

Flop: The first three community cards, all of which are flipped at the same time after the dealer has burned one card.

Fold: To forfeit your cards and any bets you’ve previously made.

Hole Cards: The first two cards dealt to each player. Also called your “pocket” cards.

Kicker: An unpaired card that’s used to determine the better hand in cases where one or more players has the same pair, three of a kind, or two pairs. The higher card — or kicker — wins the pot. For instance, if two players have an ace in their hand and there’s an ace on the table to make a pair, whoever has the higher card in their hand has the kicker and wins.

Pot: All the money that has been bet in a hand of poker.

Raise: Simply increasing the current bet.

River: The fifth and final community card, turned after the dealer has burned one card.

Suited: When your two hole cards are of the same suit. “I had 9-10 suited.”

Turn: The fourth community card, turned after the dealer has burned one card.

4. Know Some Basic Poker Strategy

Don’t play every hand (unless you want to). Any poker book you read that was written by a pro will say to only ever play the very best of hands. Poker is a game of patience, they write, so unless you are dealt a high pair (aces, kings, queens, jacks, tens) or high suited cards (ace-king of the same suit, queen-jack of the same suit, etc.), you should just fold before ever seeing the flop. This surely makes for a winning formula when you’re trying hard to make money, but it’s awfully boring when playing for fun.

Betting tips. Betting in poker can be one of the hardest parts to figure out. How much do you bet initially? When should you call versus raise? When should you just check versus making a bet? Throwing chips in and knowing how to do so is the most complex part of the game. Ultimately, if you think you have a winning hand, you want to bet just enough to keep as many people in the game as possible. If you bet too high, everyone folds, and you don’t win as much as you could have. And you obviously don’t want to bet too low — then you aren’t getting enough reward for your winning hand. Finding that balance is the key to betting in poker.

5. Practice Online

When I tell people I’ve been practicing poker online, I often get a scoff and a look like, “You’re one of those guys?” But I can honestly say, without a doubt, it’s made me a better player. A few years ago the government cracked down on pay sites, so nowadays almost anything you play online is free. These free games allow you to play low stakes or high stakes with your fake money (you’re given a boatload of free chips to start with), and over time you’ll come to learn which types of hands win, you’ll be able to make educated guesses about what other players have, you’ll realize the importance of table position, etc. While you won’t learn much about betting strategy — it’s awfully hard to do so when players are working with fake money — you’ll gain insight into most other parts of the game. You’re playing other people after all, not just a computer that’s making pre-programmed decisions.

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