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Write for Us News and Updates

Write for Us News and Updates

Want to write for us? Business Knowledge Today Age is a business, marketing, technology and news website focused on the world of Business, marketing, technology, news and updates. As independent publication recognized by Google News. Business Knowledge Today Age covers topics such as Business, Marketing, Technology, Digital Marketing, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and news, but is not limited to them.

Would you like to share your business and marketing expertise with an active target group? Do you have a unique topic, tips or unique perceptions that will be a topic of conversation?

You can easily connect with us through our email Feel free to share your posts with us.

How to Submit a Guest Post Article?

To submit an article you can easily reach to us at

Benefits of Writing for Business Knowledge Today

Broadcast News Sites – While broadcast news (from radio and tv) is generally spent in real time, such organizations also offer records of news stories on their web sites. However, not all of their news/articles are provided by their own reporters: some create from the press services, Reuters and AP. Here are some examples of broadcast news sites:

  • ABC News
  • BBC
  • CNN
  • NPR News
  • NBC Learns (OSU only)

Benefits Of Writing Guest Articles

The main benefit of the invited text is the presence of a reference to the author’s site. And if it’s interesting to the reader, it’s likely to land on your home page. If you optimize your post correctly by linking to a specific keyword, you will definitely rank/stay higher in search results and attract more visitors.

Guidelines of the Guest post Article Submission – Write for Us News and Updates

To submit an article you can easily reach to us at

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