Journalism is a concept based on the collection and analysis (whether written, oral, visual or graphic). The notion also describes the academic training career of someone who wants to become a journalist.
In other words, journalism is a professional task that focuses on collecting, synthesizing, processing, and publishing current data. The journalist or communicator must appeal to credible sources or take advantage of their knowledge to fulfil their mission.
It is defined as the systematized activity that consists of collecting information with the clear objective of being published through the mass media and is defined within communication sciences.
Table of Contents
Types of Journalism and Types of Journalists
All people who want to dedicate themselves to journalism must choose one of the different types. The journalism career should cover all fields of our lives, so it is necessary to classify it into different types. You can discover new concepts about sports journalism with our Professional Specialist in Sports Journalism course.
Types of Journalism According to the Media
graphic journalism. This type of journalism uses photography as a medium. Play with the advantage of having irrefutable proof of the facts. An example of this type is paparazzi photos.
Written journalism. It is the one that appears in magazines and newspapers. It is the best-known type and the most common among journalism people.
Audiovisual journalism. Use television to communicate information. Professional journalists usually run it.
Radio journalism. It is the one that uses the radio to transmit information. It has the advantage of being one of the most economically accessible media and can reach many people.
Multimedia journalism. It is journalism that is done through the Internet. This platform is growing more and more, so, without a doubt, it is the means of communication of the future. The Internet can collect written, audiovisual, radio, podcasts and new ways of informing, such as social networks.
Cyber journalism. It uses techniques from the web world, blogs and other specialized pages.
Types of Journalists
The journalist dedicates to investigating and discovering news of public interest. They all have the same function, but not everyone realises information on the same topic.
Cultural and sociocultural journalist. It is the one that promotes and publicizes cultural events through promotion, propaganda and announcements through social networks and other media. This type of journalist also organizes television programs or face-to-face events to reveal the culture of past years and stages.
Online journalist. It uses the Internet as a unique tool for researching and disseminating news. The objective and function of this type are to convert extensive information into summarized and understandable information so that it is easy to understand and read.
Investigative journalist. His work is more daring since she investigates aspects that organizations and companies try to keep secret. In this way, this information becomes viral through all the media. You must be skilful, critical, bold, investigative, sincere, decisive, and quick to deliver the news to carry out this work.
Sports journalist. He is in charge of collecting information about a sport to inform, educate, and entertain.
Diversity of Topics
However, this classification of journalism cannot only be made based on the medium it uses. There are also many other similarly important ones, highlighting, for example, the one that establishes a typology based on the thematic range on which it focuses and develops.
In this way, you can talk about political, social, economic, cultural, scientific, environmental, sports or war journalism, among many others. Starting from this classification, we can establish that media (newspapers, magazines, television programs) specialized in one of those in particular. However, others manage to combine the various types, as would be the case of the news where we can access information on a wide variety of topics.
Journalism as a Fourth Power
Given journalism’s strong influence in society, it is often known as the fourth estate. On the other hand, in a struggle to guarantee the ethical development of the profession, some professional colleges and associations regulate the activity.
The role exercised by journalism and the journalist, in particular, the power that they also have, is vital in society because, through them, the ordinary citizen manages to keep up to date with everything that happens not only in their most natural environment but also in your country or the world. It is how he does not close his eyes to problems and learns the different social realities that exist.
And also, for this vital work, there are various awards with which they try to reward the great work and effort made by these professionals. Among the important recognitions are the Pulitzer Prizes awarded annually in the United States and try to praise the quality of the best informative reports, investigative reports, in-depth articles or chronicles.