To be a good teacher is the dream of every teacher. But what is a good teacher? And what differentiates a better teacher from other teachers? In other words: what are the qualities of a good teacher? Below are the qualities and characteristics of a good teacher, some of which you may be very familiar with.
Table of Contents
1. They are Self-Confident
Confidence to teach can mean some things: it can range from confidence in the knowledge teachers are leading to confidence in their ability to master the teaching and learning process in general. In addition, good classroom management is also essential to improve self-confidence. While these two “revelations” (and many more) are crucial, the most critical trust a teacher can experience is much more general and harder to describe than that.
Self-confidence is having confidence in your ability to do a good job, help students improve, act positively, and adapt to new teaching methods. It is also to be aware of its value and usefulness in society.
It is the awareness you have of knowing that you are in the right place to do what you want to do and that no matter what happens, having this time to spend with these young learners will be beneficial, both for them and for you. for the students, it is clear that the teachers radiate this feeling. Working in schools can be difficult and stressful but also – thankfully – extremely rewarding. But if you’re not sure you’re in the right place when you’re teaching, you probably aren’t.
2. They have Life Experience
Having some life experience outside the classroom and outside of education is invaluable in contextualizing learning and keeping school activities in perspective. This is one of the necessary qualities of a good teacher. Teachers who have travelled, worked in other fields, played high-performance sports, or had many different life experiences bring to the profession perspectives other than those of the theoretical “teacher”. From understanding the critical importance of collaboration and teamwork to being able to answer the timeless mathematical question “when are we going to use this?” »,
3. They are aware of Student Motivation
For students to seek to improve, they must be motivated. And to create this motivation in them, they must be allowed to act as the main actors; their role is not to receive information as in a teaching activity (for example, a presentation), but to use the material learned to solve problems or to carry out the exercises proposed by the teacher. ‘teacher.
Also, with each student having a different set of interests, each student will have a different set of motivators. Many (or most) students will reconcile their perspectives and ambitions with what is happening in the classroom and derive sufficient motivation to move forward. Unfortunately, some students will also rely on external grounds. What’s worse is that we’ve all come across students who can’t find a connection between what motivates them and what’s going on in the classroom around them.
These students run the risk of disengaging completely. This is where the lead teacher needs to get to know each of their students to help them contextualize their work and allow them to connect with something within their area of interest. Teachers who cannot help students make this connection need to reconsider what is happening. After all, what is the point of work that a student finds no interest in and cannot make any connection to?
4. They are Humans, not Heroes
Yes, all teachers are heroes. Now let’s move beyond the platitude to see what it means. Some teachers still struggle to show their vulnerability to fallibility. These teachers will spend a tremendous amount of energy hiding that they are frustrated with something, upset or perhaps even angry. Why? Internal logic binds other teachers to avoid admitting, “I have no idea the answer to your question”. But among the qualities of a good teacher is that he genuinely connects with students is not afraid to show emotion in class, and can humbly admit that he is not the repository of all knowledge.
Of course, no one wants to be a killjoy teacher in class, but what better way to teach empathy than to provide students with someone to empathize with when they start a terrible day? What better way to foster collaboration and prepare than to admit that it’s okay not to know something and then say, “I don’t know, let’s find out”?
5. They are Technically Proficient
Let’s not insist on this point. After all, a lot of ink (or pixels as the case may be!) has already spilt on this topic. Over time, the statement: “but I’m not very good with _______” (fill in the blank with any number of technological devices) becomes more like: “but I’m not very good with a telephone “.
The above sentiment is acceptable only when it is immediately followed by, “but I’m willing to learn!” After all, we wouldn’t accept such weak rationalizations from students about their work. As teachers, we lose credibility every time we allow such excuses to go unchallenged. There, all is said
6. They are Self-Taught
New technologies are a way to encourage students to take an interest in the various subjects of their learning. This is one of the qualities of a good teacher. This is why teachers like to use new technologies in the classroom. These tools can be excellent allies for a teacher who wants to take the time to build relevant activities. So they have to adapt to these new technologies, and often train themselves as self-taught in the computer field and new technologies.
7. They take Risks
Teachers who have done exceptional things dare to take risks in their professional lives. They convince you that you have to take the risk of failure to succeed. This does not mean putting their lives or those of the students in danger, no, but rather taking the risk of upsetting their habits and routines. It is the risk of trying new teaching methods, finding new solutions to everyday problems, doing something new, something daring.
Teachers also encourage their students to take risks, they all would like to be risk-takers, but not all teachers are naturally reckless. This point goes pointer in hand with the demonstration of their vulnerability. The teacher who is ready to stand out, try something new, be “wacky” in the name of pedagogy earns the respect of the students, even if the sarcasm and the malcontents – and there always are – seem to say something different.
Regardless of the achievement or failure of the risk taken, the experience is sure to be memorable for kids in this class, and deep down, isn’t that precisely what we’re aiming for? After all, as the old motto goes, “there is no such thing as bad publicity”.
8. They Focus on the Essentials
They help their students retain the essentials of the course in class to prepare them for exams. In other words, they grasp the essential ideas of the course, which will facilitate the students’ tasks during their revisions. As a result, the more material students retain in class, the less difficulty they will have in modifications. This technique can be even more useful and effective during the year of the baccalaureate, during which the program is quite heavy and the material to go through during the preparations for the exam is quite voluminous.
Whether it’s worrying about who’s late to class, collating every little piece of work to “collect notes”, or spending too much time lecturing the course to “cover material”, the lack of means implemented to distract teachers from what is essential does not exist! Strong teachers know that little things like chronic lateness or truancy are usually symptoms of more significant underlying issues. As such, they are spending valuable time and energy trying to “solve” the problem rarely works.
Among the qualities of a good teacher, they also understand that efficient and effective assessment means minimizing work while giving focused and meaningful feedback. Engaging students in connecting material to their interests and passions is the surest way to maximize learning.