Write for Us visual marketing l Guest Post

Write for Us visual marketing

What is visual marketing? and why it is one of the mostest important things for your business

BusinessKnowledgeToday prides itself on delivering helpful, informative, and insightful blog content on all things digital and physical marketing. We’ve worked tirelessly to ensure only the highest quality content makes its way onto our blogs and under our brand.

Write For BusinessKnowledgeToday

Please carefully review all guest post submission requirements below before submitting your content pitch.

BusinessKnowledgeToday accepts guest posts that are directly related to at least one of our agency service offerings, are well-researched and well-referenced, and match the voice and tone of our blog and brand. Any guest post submission that does not follow ALL OF THE REQUIREMENTS BELOW will not be accepted.

How to Submit Your Articles?

To Write for Us, you can e-mail us at contact@businessknowledgetoday.com

Guidelines of the Article (Write for Us visual marketing)

  • Please always use unique and not published anywhere.
  • Your articles should be 500 and above words.
  • Your article should not have grammatical errors. Check the plagiarism before submitting the article to us.
  • Your article should be informative and interesting.
  • Your link will be relevant to the content.
  • Please don’t use copyright images owned by someone else.
  • Your article should be well structured with subheadings, quotes, bullets and a featured image.
  • Image with copyrights, size should 1200×800 pixels.
  • Content should have subheadings and proper alignment.

Why is visual marketing important?

So, when it comes to marketing, this means that content created with visuals is logically is more engaging and interesting for (peoples) users. Tweets with images, for example, receive up to 5x times the engagement of those without. Articles with visuals receive 94 percent more views.

How do you use visual marketing?

7 Best Visual Marketing Strategies For You

  1. Let Your Customers Tell Your Brand Story.
  2. Provide A User-Friendly Experience.
  3. Being Mobile-Responsive Is Priority.
  4. Create A Visually-Engaging Consumer Journey.
  5. Turn Your Social Into Sales.
  6. Employ UGC Marketing.
  7. Stronger is the Community, Better Is The Brand Loyalty.

What are visual strategies?

Visual strategies are a way of adding information which is supplied verbally with visual information. They can be used to accomplish a range of goals. You may use something visual to help a pupil to understand a situation, or to provide a visual prompt so a student can accomplish a task more independently.

If You Write For Business Knowledge Today Tips You Get:

  • Sso, If you write for us, your business targeted client can be a reader of our blog; you can have massive publicity.
  • You can link back to your website in the article, which shares SEO value to your site.
  • This will help in building a relationship with your targeted readers.
  • We are also available on social media and will share your article on our social channels too.
  • If you write for us, your brand and content will be visible globally.

To submit your article, you can e-mail us at contact@businessknowledgetoday.com